Monday, April 2, 2007

Dark Age

Check this out: Dark Age.

I've wanted to play this game since I first heard about it in 2002/2003 but a lack of players and a printed rules set turned me off. In 2005 they released a printed rules set but, again, a lack of players turned me off.

A week or so ago my boss E-Mails me out of the blue and asks if I've checked out this cool wargame called Dark Age, I told him I had, and needless to say we put our Warzone project to the side, and now we're working on our Dark Age forces. I'm doing Forsaken, St. Mark, force, and he's doing a Skaard force. I think these models are fantastic, the game's fantastic, and the artwork is fantastic (I'm a fan of Brom).

Anyways here's an updated list of current projects:
Warhammer - Dwarfs
Dark Age - St. Mary Forsaken
Warhammer Historical Old West - The Law (Black Scorpion Miniatures)
Warhammer 40,000 - Blood Angels
Confrontation - Cynwall
Flames of War - Americans

I hope to get those finished by August 10th when I go to Dragonflight 2007 (more on that con later), except the FoW Americans which I hope to get 600 points done by September. This'll be the summer of gaming. I have no inhibitions (work at a games shop... That's it), and nothing but time this summer.