Friday, June 11, 2010

Hordes Painting Challenge Day 11

In order to counteract the intensely frustrating day I had at school (waa!) I came straight home to my sanctuary, made some coffee, put on the D&D Podcast, and sat down to paint. I got into the zone, and painting definitely calmed me down.

Anyway, I finished my warlock (Lylyth), and got some skin and black highlighting done on my Striders. I have but 9 models left to do, and they only have the brown (and some silver) left to do. My Strider Deathstalker hasn't a lick of paint, beyond primer, on her, and this is just because in my random paint line-up she kept getting put at the end. I've decided I'll paint her all alone after the other 8 are done.

Here's Lylyth:
From Hordes Painting Challenge

From Hordes Painting Challenge

Here's all my finished figures:
From Hordes Painting Challenge

Here's all the models I have left to paint:
From Hordes Painting Challenge

And here's a shot of my painting area (chaotic, no?):
From The Wargamer

I've also become very excited about Dark Sun (it being one of my favorite campaign settings), and this thought of a "favorite something" has me filling out lists. After this paint challenge is done, I'm going to make three batches of posts for "Top 10 Tabletop Miniature Games," "Top 5 Roleplaying Games," and "Top 10 Campaign Settings." Stay tuned!


Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Hordes Painting Challenge Day 7

Yes, I know the timestamp on this post would suggest that this would be the 9th day of the painting challenge and not the 7th, but these photos are from the 7th of June. I tried desperately to get some painting in yesterday but no dice. Today I'm hoping to hit my models with a few brushstrokes, but there's only a week and a half of school left and I need to get working on my final projects.

Anyway, here's the pictures:

Carnivean 1:
From Hordes Painting Challenge

Carnivean 2:
From Hordes Painting Challenge

Both of 'em:
From Hordes Painting Challenge

There ye have it! They're both done! I'm gonna work on the two Shredders, and Lylyth today.

Here's a picture of everything I have left:
From Hordes Painting Challenge


P.S. Alas the paint contest has a victor, and it is not me. Darren (Skorne player) has come in first place on June 7th, but Jay (Cryx), and I are going to finish for the illustrious title of 2nd place. I'll post all the pics from their stuff at the end, and these updates from me will continue, as well as a report on what Jay and I have to paint for Darren...

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Hordes Painting Challenge Day 3

So, I didn't get any painting done on Wendesday, but today, watch out Cindy! Did I get some brushstrokes in or what?

Carnivean One coming along. Only its mouth and tongue left to do
From Hordes Painting Challenge

Carnivean Two not quite finished, but I felt like basing it anyway. Unfortunately in my zeal, I got some snow flock into the wet ink. That's gonna be crappy later.
From Hordes Painting Challenge

And the finished Shepherds
From Hordes Painting Challenge

Now the crummy part is that I wont get any painting done this weekend as I'll be in Summerland, BC: the town where my girlfriend's from, as we bask in all of its quaint glory. I'll be back with a vengeance on Monday, however; hopefully with two finished Carniveans, and some Shredder work.


Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Hordes Painting Challenge Day 1

Alrighty, so I managed to get my camera working. Here's the beginning:

Hordes Legion of Everblight unboxing
From Hordes Painting Challenge

A mighty stack if I've ever seen one
From Hordes Painting Challenge

The Striders
From Hordes Painting Challenge

Blurry picture (sorry) of the Strider Deathstalker
From Hordes Painting Challenge

Strider unit attachment
From Hordes Painting Challenge

Two (that's right, two) Shepherds
From Hordes Painting Challenge

Lylyth, also blurry, but look at the sharp detail of the superglue bottle my camera decided to focus on... *sigh*
From Hordes Painting Challenge

The Shredders (only half of which is in my 35 points)
From Hordes Painting Challenge

Another blurry picture of the Forsaken
From Hordes Painting Challenge

Two (that's right, two) Carniveans. Potentially the greatest beast in Hordes Mk.II
From Hordes Painting Challenge

The whole thing primed (with P3 black primer), and set up at my FLGS (Strategies Games & Hobbies in Vancouver, BC) with my good buddy Sam's arms in the background.
From Hordes Painting Challenge

The two 80% done Shepherds (just skin touch-ups, and cloak highlighting to be done)
From Hordes Painting Challenge

The 90% done Carnivean (just teeth, claws, and mouth to be done)
From Hordes Painting Challenge

The 10% done Carnivean (only skin done)
From Hordes Painting Challenge

Did I mention I'm doing a drow-themed force? Except I don't have any cool spider conversions due to lack of time, and idea how I would go about that. I've also primed the figures with P3 black primer, and am using 95% P3 paints (the only non P3 paints are the washes from Citadel, Hormagaunt Purple from Citadel, and Warlock Purple from Citadel). Tomorrow I'm hoping to finish the Carniveans, the Shepherds, and start into the Forsaken and Lylyth. Oh Nelly I've a long way to go yet.

+++End Transmission+++

Painting Challenge SNAG!

How lame is this? My computer doesn't feel like recognizing my camera right now. Maybe this is for the best at the moment as I could use some serious homework time, but I'm fairly choked that I can't put up any pictures of my painting (especially since I'm a few brushstrokes away from finishing two carniveans and shepherds).

Stay tuned.


Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Unleash the Hordes!

Hey folks!

It's been awhile. Still plugging away at school; still am into this blog. It's just one has to take over the other for both to survive... I guess that works...

Anyways, today is the first day of the 35-point Hordes painting challenge I'm doing with two friends. One will be painting Skorne, the other Cryx, and I will be doing a Legion of Everblight army. I'll post pictures as they happen, and hopefully I'll be able to post pictures of the armies of the other two. I even have some pictures that will get uploaded tonight (I mean it this time).

Part of the motivation behind this, besides us getting painted armies, is that it will motivate our customers to get their armies painted. We'll hopefully display how easy and quick it can be, for out of all the miniatures games we sell, and support, Warmachine and Hordes is the hardest one to get people to paint. I don't know why, honestly.

The rules are simple: Paint a 35-point WM/H army as fast as you can. The winner gets a painted figure from each of the losers that will be requested at a later date. There's no time limit.

It all starts today. Right now? I gotta get to school!