Thursday, May 15, 2008

Daemons! DAEMONS!

The new Warhammer Armies: Daemons of Chaos looks SO GOOD! I bought it today along with a box of Bloodletters, and every P3 Paint Brush but the flat ones. I've had one too many Citadel brushes split on me that I'm now looking for alternatives. I've tried the Vallejo ones that come with the paint sets and found them to be unimpressive (save their ability to hold a point, but I imagine that's common with all synthetic brushes). I hope these work out.

Anyways, I bought the Daemons of Chaos book, and soon I'll have the Codex: Chaos Daemons book, and my Chaotic conquest will be complete. I'm surely not sticking my daemons on circle bases, this way I'll be able to use them in Fantasy and 40K (and if anyone complains about that, I'll laugh at them heartily and continue playing).

My other projects? Some are coming along, some have ground to a halt. I have been painting like mad, though. I've nearly finished seven Cygnarian Long Gunners, six Cygnarian Sword Knights, and nine Chaos Space Marines. I say nearly because the Long Gunners need only basing, the Sword Knights need only their sheaths painted, and the Chaos Marines need only their backpacks painted and glued-on.

This is good, as it means that I'm having a good start to both my (rather large) summer painting projects. But seeing as I've done the Marines in about a week it's not too bad. I'll post some pictures this weekend (I promise).

I'm also working on an Elven Wizard from Reaper Miniatures that I'm going to use for a D&D character (for 4th edition!), starting this Sunday when I demo the rules while playing through H1 Keep on the Shadowfell (the first 4th ed adventure, and one that I'm glad to see go back to the 'Letter-Number' designation). I'll also post pictures of him as soon as I finish.

Sadly, my Halfling Thief, and Confrontation Abel repaint haven't moved any further than the primer stage. Oh, the life of a painter with gaming-A.D.D. (there's nothing funny about A.D.D. unless you're Clone High).