Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Here's What I Painted Today

So I don't post as much as I'd like. To remedy this, I'm going to do some "flash posts" where I post what I worked on, even if it was just a couple brush strokes, or a few adventure ideas.

I'm going to a Kings of War tournament in a couple weeks, and I need to beef up a couple units and paint some movement trays. I need to finish 16 models, and here are some drunken dwarves and a master engineer.

They're not done yet, but I'm gettin' there!



Darren said...

They are soooo close to finished!

You should post a pic of your army before you take it to the tournament

Darren said...

They are soooo close to finished!

You should post a pic of your army before you take it to the tournament