Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Epic Eldar pt.1: Epic Armageddon

Following on yesterday's diatribe I'm going to both demonstrate how flexible it is to go between Epic 40,000 and Epic Armageddon in terms of army construction. Now, normally I would do such a thing using an army as flexible as Space Marines are, but instead I'm going to try my hand at the Eldar.

The Eldar have always been my favorite Warhammer 40,000 race, mostly 'cause I'm obsessed with elves, but also because they're sleek, aloof, and tied historically and mortally to Slaanesh (my favorite Chaos god). I've always wanted to do an Eldar army for Epic, but I've always painted my Epic armies "on the quick," and so haven't had time to dedicate to an army as time-consuming to paint as Eldar. Compared to Space Marines, which consist of a base coat, dry brush, wash, and details, the Eldar are a bit more varied in paint scheme.

So here we go! Let's start with an army list, and let's start with the version of Epic with the strictest army construction: Epic Armageddon (EA)...

In Epic Armageddon there are no generic armies. That is to say, that there's no "Eldar," "Imperial Guard," or "Chaos Space Marine" lists. Instead, there's "Biel-Tan Craftworld Eldar," and "Armageddon Steel Legion Imperial Guard," or "Black Legion Chaos Space Marines." I have some gripes with this, but Jervis Johnson stated in the FAQ at the end of the rulebook that he did this intentionally so as to keep the door open to new lists. I can respect that. So, I'm going to make a "Biel-Tan" Eldar list from the "Epic Swordwind" book even though I'll be painting my models red and black (and no, they won't be Saim-Hann. It's not my fault that GW already took all the good color schemes for Eldar and gave them names).

Starting off, I know I want to make a 4000pt army. I'd never want to play EA at less than 3000pts just because 3000 lets you comfortably fit a medium Titan or two small ones. 4000pts is great because it's 3000, but more!

First let's choose a commander: Avatar. BAM! He's free, so that's an easy choice. Let's also take a Wraithgate because at 50pts it's great to have one of your objectives spew out Guardians and not have them suffer the enemy's firepower whilst they're hoofin' it up the battlefield to get within firefight range.

Speaking of Guardians, let's take two formations of them because two is better than one, and Guardians should come in numbers. For simplicity's sake, I'm going to arm them exactly the same because I pretty much have those figures handy and redundancy's not a bad thing with something as basic as Guardian Formations. They'll each be made up of a Farseer, commanding four Guardian stands, supported by three Heavy Weapon Platforms (the macro-weapon D-Cannons are cool too but they're more points and worse in firefights, which is where we want those Guardians to be... I'm sure we'll find some macro-weapons somewhere), and three Wraithlords. Wraithguard would be sweet to take, but I only have two stands and I don't want to buy another Eldar Warhost box because I'd only use the Wraithguard out of it. For now, at least, we'll let the Wraithguard stay on the Craftworld. I opted for 3 Heavy Weapon Platforms instead of two because they come three to a blister pack. I'm sure I'll regret this later on and wish I only took two Platforms and left an extra Guardian squad in each formation, but the beauty of free Heavy Weapons Platforms is that I can swap them out and in as I see fit before a game (I also own tons of Guardian stands for this purpose).

Onto the cool stuff, the Aspect Warriors. I have quite a few stands of each of the plastic Aspect Warriors so let's take two formations (having tons of Craftworld Hosts is never a bad thing as they allow you to take three support Troupes each!), one will have jump packs and the other will have Wave Serpents. The jump pack one will consist of a Warp Spider Exarch with seven more Warp Spider stands. This way, all the stands will have similar movement types and won't slow each other down when they swoop across the board. I was thinking of taking half the formation as Swooping Hawks but their movement is a little different, and I didn't want one half of the formation moving one way and the other half moving another way. It'll just get awkward during the all-important parts of the battle where maneuvering is key.

The other Aspect Warrior formation I want is full of Striking Scorpions and Howling Banshees (with an Exarch) 'cause these are my favorite Aspect Warriors and they're pretty good in close combat. In order to get them up the field and have my army keep its speed, I'm going to stick them in four Wave Serpents (secret: Forge World's Wave Serpents are cheaper than Citadel's... Shh!). Easy!

Now for the fun stuff: Troupes and Titans! So that I'm not caught without air support I'm going to take some Nightwing Interceptors (I like the look of the Citadel ones better than the Forge World ones, but with the FW ones I could also use them in Aeronautica Imperialis). For mecha power I'm going to take a Phantom Titan, for no other reason than it's cool and I love the model!

Bah! Enough exclamation marks!

For troupes, I want to get use out of some of the extra models I have kicking around so let's go with a Ranger Troupe and a Windrider Troupe (with three Vypers for out-of-firefight firepower) right off the bat. Falcons are great all-round vehicles so let's take two troupes of them with maxed-out Firestorms. I might be overly paranoid about enemy aircraft, but the beauty of Firestorms is that they're alright against tanks and infantry and they're free. Plus, Falcons are bought in packs of three. Fire Prisms are one of the best Eldar formations, because they can attack anything in the game (infantry, vehicles, and air) and they're no slouches at any of it. Their AA is the worst of the three, but 5+ isn't that bad a score in EA and their "Lance" weapon ability means that Land Raiders don't get to re-roll their saves. Unfortunately they're relatively expensive at 250pts a formation so let's just take one. Besides I want to take two troupes of Night Spinners because I love Blast Points (BP) and Disrupt is great for working on those Space Marine formations or breaking any other formation in the game.

Here's what this all looks like:
  8 Warp Spider, Exarch
  4 Striking Scorpion, 4 Howling Banshee, 4 Wave Serpent, Exarch
   Farseer, 4 Guardians, 3 Heavy Weapon Platform, Wraithlords
   Farseer, 4 Guardians, 3 Heavy Weapon Platform, Wraithlords
   4 Ranger
   3 Falcon, 2 Fire Storm
   3 Falcon, 2 Fire Storm
   3 Jetbike, 3 Vyper
   3 Night Spinners

   3 Night Spinners
   3 Fire Prisms

   3 Nightwing Interceptors
[This is copied from Epic ArmyForge, so any formatting errors aren't my fault!]

NOTE: Because Blogger has copy+pasting issues when you're copying text with something with a colored background, I'm going to make a new post for part 2 of this article. Otherwise the rest of the article will be typed like this, with an off-color background to the text. Irritating, I know...



stevothedivo said...

Great article, I'm attending a Melbourne tournament (Minigeddon) this weekend and this article was really helpful as I'm quite rusty on E:A
This is my collection if you fancy a looksee

Also, I've had the same problem as you importing text, just so you know you should always paste to notepad or wordpad first, that'll kill the formatting, then paste to Blogger and you'll find the formatting will match the rest.
Look forward to the Part II that I'm off to read now

stevothedivo said...

Great article, I'm attending a Melbourne tournament (Minigeddon) this weekend and this article was really helpful as I'm quite rusty on E:A
This is my collection if you fancy a looksee

Also, I've had the same problem as you importing text, just so you know you should always paste to notepad or wordpad first, that'll kill the formatting, then paste to Blogger and you'll find the formatting will match the rest.
Look forward to the Part II that I'm off to read now