Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Epic Eldar pt.2: Epic 40,000

Now we get to Epic 40,000. Epic 40,000 (E40k) has more flexible lists, but they suffer from their own eccentricities. Having to perfectly balance out your "Main Force" with your "Support" can lead to some translation issues between the systems; not to mention the 181kg gorilla in the room: that this edition of Epic is based off of Warhammer 40,000 2nd edition armies. Ah, the nostalgia.

Let's give this a shot, and see how we can move between the systems. My goals are to use every model in my Epic Armageddon (EA) army and to build up to 2000pts. 2000pts is the 4000pts of E40k. I base this off of the fuzzy recollections I have from the time, and the fact that I clearly remember E40k veteran's nights being 1750pts at my local Games Workshop. Those games were meant to be finished in 75'. My logic may not be sound, but it's mine, dammit!

Anyway, I'm going to build detachments (E40k terminology for formations) by mimicking the formations I built in the last post, and see where it takes me. Here's hoping we even get to 2000pts...

Detachment 1: Ciridan's Warhost (all cool players named their detachments in E40k!)
Type: Eldar Warhost (you'll see this type a lot... There wasn't a lot of different Eldar detachment types)
Commander: Warp Spider Exarch Ciridan (HQ) (counts as a squad in the main force if not chosen from the commander section, like a Farseer might)
Main Force:
+ Warp Spider Exarch (1 Unit) - 40
+ Warp Spider Squad (1 Unit) - 14
+ Warp Spider Squad (1 Unit) - 14
+ Warp Spider Squad (1 Unit) - 14
Detachment Support:
+ Warp Spider Squad (1 Unit) - 14
+ Warp Spider Squad (1 Unit) - 14
+ Warp Spider Squad (1 Unit) - 14
+ Warp Spider Squad (1 Unit) - 14
(one of the nice things about Eldar Warhosts is that they often duplicate units between Main and Support sections, therefore mitigating the fact that they don't have very many variations on detachment types)
Total Points: 138
Morale Value: 3 (total points ÷ 50 (rounding up) = your morale value. This is subtracted from your army's combined morale when the detachment is reduced to half strength or less. When your morale reached 0, you lose. This was a really cool mechanic that I'm totally going to rip-off for my game)
Half Strength: 4

Detachment 2: Haelin's Warhost
Type: Eldar Warhost
Commander: Howling Banshee Exarch Haelin (HQ)
Main Force:
+ Howling Banshee Exarch (1 Unit) - 36
+ Howling Banshee in Wave Serpent (1 Unit + Transport) - 39
+ Howling Banshee in Wave Serpent (1 Unit + Transport) - 39
+ Howling Banshee (1 Unit) - 10
Detachment Support:
+ Striking Scorpion in Wave Serpent (1 Unit + Transport) - 39
+ Striking Scorpion in Wave Serpent (1 Unit + Transport) - 39
+ Striking Scorpion (1 Unit) - 10
+ Striking Scorpion (1 Unit) - 10
Total Points: 222
Morale Value: 5
Half Strength: 6

(An open letter to E40k players: I know there were technically no units in E40k that were called "Striking Scorpions" or "Howling Banshees" even though there were models made for them. They just counted as "Aspect Warriors" along with any other W40k Aspect Warrior that wasn't a Warp Spider, Swooping Hawk, or Dark Reaper. I'm nothing if not thematic)

Detachment 3: Duridain's Warhost
Type: Eldar Warhost
Psyker: Farseer Duridain (HQ) - 50
Main Force:
+ Guardian Squad (2 Units) - 16
+ Guardian Squad (2 Units) - 16
+ Scouts Squad (2 Units) - 20
Detachment Support:
+ Dreadnoughts (2 Units) - 56
+ Dreadnoughts (1 Unit) - 28
+ Support Platform Battery (3 Units) - 45
Total Points: 231
Morale Value: 5
Half Strength: 7

Detachment 4: Galadhran's Warhost
Type: Eldar Warhost
Psyker: Farseer Galadhran (HQ) - 50
Main Force:
+ Guardian Squad (2 Units) - 16
+ Guardian Squad (2 Units) - 16
+ Scouts Squad (2 Units) - 20
Detachment Support:
+ Dreadnoughts (2 Units) - 56
+ Dreadnoughts (1 Unit) - 28
+ Support Platform Battery (3 Units) - 45
Total Points: 231
Morale Value: 5
Half Strength: 7

Detachment 5: Wind Riders of Vihain
Type: Eldar Warhost
Commander: Guardian Jetbike Vihain (HQ)
Main Force:
+ Guardian Jetbike Squad (1 Unit, HQ) - 40
+ Guardian Jetbike Squad (1 Unit) - 15
+ Guardian Jetbike Squad (1 Unit) - 15
Detachment Support:
+ Vyper Jetbike Squadron (1 Unit) - 22
+ Vyper Jetbike Squadron (1 Unit) - 22
+ Vyper Jetbike Squadron (1 Unit) - 22
Total Points: 136
Morale Value: 3
Half Strength: 3

Detachment 6: Yael's Spear
Type: Eldar Warhost
Commander: Falcon Yael (HQ)
Main Force:
+ Falcon Grav-Tank (1 Unit, HQ) - 54
+ Falcon Grav-Tank (1 Unit) - 29
+ Falcon Grav-Tank (1 Unit) - 29
+ Falcon Grav-Tank (1 Unit) - 29
+ Falcon Grav-Tank (1 Unit) - 29
Detachment Support:
+ Night Spinner (1 Unit) - 41
+ Night Spinner (1 Unit) - 41
+ Night Spinner (1 Unit) - 41
+ Fire Prism (1 Unit) - 35
Total Points: 328
Morale Value: 7
Half Strength: 5

Detachment 7: Saine's Spear
Type: Eldar Warhost
Commander: Falcon Saine (HQ)
Main Force:
+ Falcon Grav-Tank (1 Unit, HQ) - 54
+ Falcon Grav-Tank (1 Unit) - 29
+ Falcon Grav-Tank (1 Unit) - 29
+ Falcon Grav-Tank (1 Unit) - 29
+ Falcon Grav-Tank (1 Unit) - 29
Detachment Support:
+ Night Spinner (1 Unit) - 41
+ Night Spinner (1 Unit) - 41
+ Night Spinner (1 Unit) - 41
+ Fire Prism (1 Unit) - 35
+ Fire Prism (1 Unit) - 35
Total Points: 363
Morale Value: 8
Half Strength: 5

Detachment 8: Khaine's Vengeance
Type: Eldar Titan
Commander: N/A
War Engines:
+ Phantom Titan - 380
Total Points: 380
Morale Value: 8
Half Strength: 4 (Damage Capacity (wounds))

Detachment 9: Khaine's Lightning
Type: Eldar Fleet
Commander: Night Wing Interceptor (HQ)
Main Force:
+ Night Wing Interceptor (1 Unit, HQ) - 65
+ Night Wing Interceptor (1 Unit) - 40
+ Night Wing Interceptor (1 Unit) - 40
Total Points: 145
Morale Value: 3
Half Strength: 2

Detachment 10: Avatar of the Bloody-Handed God
Type: Eldar Commander
Commander: Avatar - 40
Main Force:
Total Points: 40
Morale Value: 1
Half Strength: 1

Total Army Points: 2214
Total Morale: 48 (higher than 2214 ÷ 50 (rounding up) because we rounded up in all those detachments)

Woah! Looks like we blew 2000pts away! We'll have to get rid of something so that we aren't accused of cheating (who's "we?"). If I needed to take this to a 2000pt tournament tomorrow, I'd drop Khaine's Lightning, take out one Falcon (probably a proxied Firestorm tank (see comments below)) from Yael's Spear, drop a Dreadnought from Galadhran's Warhost, and drop a Support Platform from Duridain's Warhost. This would bring it to 1997pts (hey! The year E40k came out!), and bring the morale to 44.

So let's take a look and see how this fares: Detachments being big or small had little effect (that is to say: you could have your detachments be big or small and offer your opponent no tactical advantage or hindrance). Bigger detachments took longer to reduce to half strength, but when you did, it was worth a lot of morale (and there's fewer of them). Smaller detachments were easier to "break" but were worth less morale. I'd say that this army has smaller to mid-sized detachments which might not be that great for Eldar because of their special rule called Dying Race. It stated that not only do Eldar detachments suffer Morale loss as normal, but they lose an additional d3 morale if their detachments are wiped out! By Isha, that's terrible.

You'll also notice that I included too many Falcon Grav-Tanks than I had in my EA list and included no Firestorm tanks. This is because there were no such things as Firestorm tanks in E40k. I figure I'll just use them as Falcons and if anyone complains I'll drive a Wailing Doom spear through their black heart. You'll also notice that units designated "HQ" are an extra 25pts more than other units of their type. In E40k if you didn't choose a unit from the "Commander" section of the detachment data-sheet, you had to designate a unit from your Main force as a commander, and stick an extra 25pts on it.

Another inconsistency is the Wave Serpents. Now, Aspect Warriors can only be purchased in 1 squad increments, and that squad can have a Wave Serpent upgrade, but you cannot share upgrades. I forget how stuff like this worked back then, but Wave Serpents have Transport (2) meaning they can transport  two units. I reckon there shouldn't be a problem in starting the game with the other squads filling-in the remaining spots. After all, they can jump into other people's transports later on in the game by sacrificing 5cm of movement from both the transport and the unit hitching a lift.

Notice also how some of the names are different. Those of you that were around for this will know what they are, but Scouts are Rangers, Dreadnoughts are Wraithlords, and Support Platforms are Heavy Weapons Platforms.

Whew! I'm bushed. It's 1:30am where I am right now as I type these words. Still, it's been fun taking this trip down memory lane. As I explained two posts ago, Epic 40,000 was my first intro into the small-scale miniatures gaming universe, and I haven't looked back. I used to bemoan E40k for its simplicity once I found EA but now I've come to appreciate what it tried to do with small-scale miniatures gaming. And as you've all seen, it's not that hard to take your collections from EA and throw them into the whirling maelstrom of firepower values, and morale tracking that was Epic 40,000.


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